Monday 23 April 2012

'A single man with a child is not natural'

One of the highlights of last week was visiting the Sanyu Babies Home.  It is an orphanage with the capacity to provide homes to about 50 children up to the age of 3.  We got a tour of the orphanage and learned a bit about their mission and the placement process for the children.  When adopting from Sanyu (and perhaps throughout the country), there is a specific hierarchy.  First priority goes to couples who are natives of Uganda.  Next on the list is single women.  After that they will consider foreigners who live in Uganda.  If all else fails, international adoption will be considered.  Being the curious one that I am, I asked where in the priority list do single men fall.  The orphanage administrator looked at me like I had three heads and said that it was not natural for a man to adopt a child and that a single man would never be considered in the adoption of a child.  At that point, I figured I would not bother asking about same sex adoption.  I thought it was shortsighted that no single man would ever be considered a candidate to adopt a child.  There is clearly a need for adoptive parents.  If there is a single man who has passed the same screening  process that the single woman has passed, why is he not worthy of adopting?  Any thoughts??

Anyway, next was playtime.  The children just needed and wanted lots of hugs.  I was happy to oblige.
The kids were playful, rambunctious and all around fun.  No pics because no cameras were allowed :-(

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