Tuesday 1 May 2012

Today Was a Good Day

Today is Labour Day in Uganda meaning that there was no laboring today.  I started my day off at about 9:30 or 10 with a transfer from the bed to the couch. I enjoyed a hot breakfast which I usually don't get on the days that I work.

Around midday, trekked to the mall, had the ice cream that I had been craving for three weeks and did a bit of grocery shopping.  In the afternoon I  engaged in one of my favorite indulgences and got a massage at Emin Pasha (50 minutes for 50000 shillings aka $20!!).  I followed this up with one of the best meals I have had since I have been here- chicken and spinach with fried plantain at a West African restaurant named Mama Ashanti. 

In all of this, I racked up 4.86 miles of walking.  Now I'm resting my weary legs and getting ready to go to HIV clinic tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh... Mama Ashanti's. I'm gonna have to go visit that place. I also need one of those $20 massages! Yes!
